Diakonía * Go(d)-Between * Meaning-wards

The Drama of Diakonía


“Drawing on the scholarship of John N. Collins and some of the leading thinkers in the field, I would like to challenge the consensus by exploring whether the Greek experience of diakonía originally had something to do with charitable social work. I propose the argument that diakonía instead refers to spiritual experiences of “a go-between,” echoing Plato’s “in-between” of the metaxy. This type of spirituality of divine-human activity, of seeking and searching (zetesis), can arguably be best described as a mediation of meaning. It is carried out by order or on behalf of another (human) person and/or (divine) Person(s). For Collins, a deacon (or more universal) the person is debatably not merely a ‘humble servant’ or ‘assistant’ but rather something like a “messenger,” “a-go-betweener,” or “prophetic intermediary” in the existential and divine-human quest for meaning. Taking up Collins argument, I would like to advance this type of agency in terms of the go-between: that is, with a spirituality of meaning, of leadership and teaching, of communication between people, and interaction between communities, churches, and the world.


MEINS G.S. COETSIER (Trinity College Dublin, 2022)


See John N. Collins, Diakonia: Re-interpreting the Ancient Sources (New York, NY and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009 [1990]). Dieter Georgi, The Opponents of Paul in Second Corinthians: A Study on Religious Propaganda in Late Antiquity (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1986). Bart J. Koet, Edwina Murphy, Esko Ryokas, eds, Deacons and Diakonia in Early Christianity: The First Two Centuries. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 2. Reihe (Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 2018).

Pastoral Care and Arts in Care Homes

* Diakonía and the Spiritual Search for Wisdom * Music, creativity and cultural participation in old people homes *

** Musikprojekt ** Elvis im Altenheim



Diakonía * Free * Dynamic * Open Air

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Prison Ministry * Empowerment * Stärkung

* Diaconal Music Project * Divine Concern


Searching Music

DIVINE CONCERN is a German Diaconal Music Project


In 2017, Deacon Dr. Meins G.S. Coetsier (Vocals and Guitar) and Mr. Addi Haas (Piano/Accordion/Drums/Percussion) met each other before the gates of Fulda Prison in Germany. In 2019 Mr. Tilo Zschorn (Guitar) joined the band. Inspired by Johnny Cash, Elvis, and others, they have played music in churches, communities and prisons, empowering people, and supporting all forms of creativity, art and music at the margins of society. For their latest albums, they worked closely together with featuring artists Joanna Joans (Vocals) and Mario Fritsch (Saxophone; Piano).


Searching for contemporary forms of religiosity, spirituality and art, they make a Sound for You.