"We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time."
T.S. Eliot (1888–1965)
"'Beyond the Ghetto’: Music & Ministry in Senior Communities," in: The Furrow: A Journal for The Contemporary Church (November 2024): 608-622. (ISSN 0016-3120)
"Divine Concern am Point Alpha 2024 - 'Weckt die alten Geister nicht'" in: AndersOrt, Fachzeitschrift 2024 II (Oktober): 66.
(ISSN (Print) 2568-0684 | ISSN (Online) 2568-0692)
"Medien: Meins Coetsier / Andreas Leipold, Gefangen. O-Töne: Ein Lesebuch. Verlag für Gefängnisseelsorge 2024," in: AndersOrt, Fachzeitschrift 2024 I (Mai): 74. (& 62).
(ISSN (Print) 2568-0684 | ISSN (Online) 2568-0692)
"Grüsse aus dem Knast," in: AndersOrt, Fachzeitschrift 2023 II (Oktober): 65.
"Gefängnisseelsorge auf der hessischen Landesgartenschau," in: AndersOrt, Fachzeitschrift 2023 II (Oktober): 67.
(ISSN (Print) 2568-0684 | ISSN (Online) 2568-0692)
"Für das Gute? Interview mit dem ehemaligen
Knastarzt Joe Bausch in der HERDER-Korrespondenz," in: AndersOrt, Fachzeitschrift 2023 I (Mai): 24-35.
(ISSN (Print) 2568-0684 | ISSN (Online) 2568-0692)
"Sommerfest JVA Hünfeld - Eine sinnvolle Abwechslung im Knastalltag," in: AndersOrt, Fachzeitschrift 2022 II (Oktober): 74.
(ISSN (Print) 2568-0684 | ISSN (Online) 2568-0692)
"The Drama of Diakonia," in: The Furrow: A Journal for The Contemporary Church (July/August 2022): 414-422.
(ISSN 0016-3120)
"Theologie der Stärkung, Zeitgemässe Theologie der Gefängnisseelsorge," in: Seelsorge & Strafvollzug. Zur Praxis heutiger Gefängnisseelsorge, Heft 8, Verlag für Gefängnisseelsorge: Zürich (2022): 40–54.
"Nachwuchspreis," in: AndersOrt, Fachzeitschrift 2022 I (Mai): 58 (& 53).
(ISSN (Print) 2568-0684 | ISSN (Online) 2568-0692)
“Towards a Theology of Prison Ministry,” in: The Furrow: A Journal for The Contemporary Church 72, no. 12 (December 2021): 679-685.
(ISSN 0016-3120)
"Theology of Prison Ministry," in: AndersOrt, Fachzeitschrift 2021 II (Oktober): 62-63.
"Papierflieger!", in: AndersOrt, Fachzeitschrift 2021 II (Oktober): 76.
(ISSN (Print) 2568-0684 | ISSN (Online) 2568-0692)
"Menschen philosophieren an jedem Ort," in: AndersOrt, Fachzeitschrift 2021 I (May): 82-83.
"Preis gegen Rassismus," in: AndersOrt, Fachzeitschrift 2021 I (May): 46-47.
"Wild Christmas im sozialen Brennglas des Knastes das ganze Jahr"
in: AndersOrt, Fachzeitschrift 2021 I (May): 40-41. [Michael King | JVA Herford]
"Justizvollzugsanstalt Hünfeld gedenkt Gefängnispfarrer Eugen Kutzka,"
in: AndersOrt, Fachzeitschrift 2021 I (May): 86.
(ISSN (Print) 2568-0684 | ISSN (Online) 2568-0692)
"Fly Your Eagle,'" in: AndersOrt, Fachzeitschrift 2020 II (Oktober): 88. (ISSN (Print) 2568-0684 | ISSN (Online) 2568-0692)
"Klappaltar,'" in: AndersOrt, Fachzeitschrift 2020 I (Mai): 3 & 70. (ISSN (Print) 2568-0684 | ISSN (Online) 2568-0692)
"Türen zu den Menschen öffnen,'" in: AndersOrt, Fachzeitschrift 2019 II (Oktober): (71 &) 72. (ISSN (Print) 2568-0684 | ISSN (Online) 2568-0692)
"Humor hinter Gittern 'Der hat gesessen,'" in: AndersOrt, Fachzeitschrift 2019 I (Mai): 40-41. (65)
(ISSN (Print) 2568-0684 | ISSN (Online) 2568-0692)
"Ökumenische Stummfilmveranstaltung in der JVA Hünfeld," in: AndersOrt, Fachzeitschrift 2018 II (Oktober): 66.
(ISSN (Print) 2568-0684 | ISSN (Online) 2568-0692)
“‘Aesthetic Mirrors’: Etty Hillesum and Rainer Maria Rilke,” in: K.A.D. Smelik/G. Van Oord/J. Wiersma (Eds.), Reading Etty Hillesum in Context: Writings, Life, and Influences of a Visionary Author, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2018.
(ISBN 9789462983441)
“Vrijheidsberoving als menselijke grenssituatie: Etty Hillesum en Viktor Frankl over de zin van het bestaan,” in: M.G.S. Coetsier/K.A.D. Smelik/G. Van Oord/ J. Benschop / L. Bergen/ M. Clement/ J. Wiersma (Eds.), Etty Hillesum en het pad naar zelfverwerkelijking. Etty Hillesum Studies, Antwerpen /Apeldoorn: Garant, 2017, 25-68.
(ISBN 9044135678) (ISBN 9789044135671)
“Etty Hillesum’s Ethical Consciousness and the History of Jewish Philosophy,” in: M.G.S. Coetsier/K.A.D. Smelik/J. Wiersma (Eds.), The Ethics and Religious Philosophy of Etty Hillesum. Supplements to the Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy. Boston/Leiden: Brill, 2016/2017, 23-48.
(DOI: https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004341340_004)
(ISBN: 978-90-04-34134-0)
“Esthetische Spiegels: Etty Hillesum en Rainer Maria Rilke,” in: M.G.S. Coetsier/K.A.D. Smelik/G. Van Oord/M. Clement/J. van der Molen/J. Wiersma (Eds.), Etty Hillesum weer thuis in Middelburg. Etty Hillesum Studies, VII. Antwerpen/Apeldoorn: Garant, 2015, 107-134.
(ISBN: 978-90-441-3349-3) (ISBN 9044133497)
“‘Continental Freedom’: Review of Eric Voegelin and the Continental Tradition: Explorations in Modern Political Thought, edited by Lee Trepanier and Steven F. McGuire (Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 2010),” in: Modern Age: A Quarterly Review 56, no. 4 (Fall 2014) 91-95.
(ISSN 0026-7457)
“Incipit exire, qui incipit amare: Augustinus en Etty Hillesum,” in: M.G.S. Coetsier/K.A.D. Smelik/G. Van Oord/D. de Costa/J. van der Molen/J. Wiersma (Eds.), Etty Hillesum 1914-2014. Etty Hillesum Studies, VI. Antwerpen/Apeldoorn: Garant, 2014, 119-139.
(ISBN 978-90-441-3235-9) (ISBN 9044132350)
»Humanity’s Secret Code« Bonhoeffer and Hillesum and the New Science of Political Theology,” in: K. B. Nielsen, R. K. Wüstenberg, J. Zimmermann (Eds.), Dem Rad in die Speichen fallen. A Spoke in the Wheel: Das Politische in der Theologie Dietrich Bonhoeffers. The Political in the Theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2013, 203-219.
(ISBN 978-35-790-8168-7)
“‘Nous sommes tous responsables’: Etty Hillesum en Emmanuel Levinas,” in: M.G.S. Coetsier/K.A.D. Smelik/G. Van Oord/D. de Costa/J. van der Molen/J. Wiersma (Eds.), Etty Hillesum in relatie. Etty Hillesum Studies, V. Gent: Academia Press, 2013, 97-120.
(ISBN 978-90-382-2205-9)
“Dialogisch leven in tijden van ‘Godsverduistering’: Martin Buber en Etty Hillesum,” in: M.G.S. Coetsier/K.A.D. Smelik/R. van den Brandt (Eds.), Etty Hillesum in perspectief. Etty Hillesum Studies, IV. Gent: Academia Press, 2013, 33-47.
(ISBN 978-90-382-2067-3) (ISBN 9038220677)
“Etty Hillesum and the Integral Spirituality of Dialogue: Explorations with Martin Buber,” in: Studies in Spirituality 22 (2012) 243-274.
(ISSN 0926-6453) (DOI: 10.2143/SIS.22.0.2182854)
Louvain: Peeters Publisher’s: Studies in Spirituality 22 / summaries of all contributions.
“God Fettered in Jail? Heschel, Rilke and the ‘Vollendung’”, in: Modern Age: A Quarterly Review 53, no. 3 (Summer 2011) 26-33.
(ISSN 0026-7457)
“Europe's Secularism and the Politics of the Soul,” in: Fides et Libertas 2011: Secularism and Religious Freedom, International Religious Liberty Association (2011): 70-88.
(ISSN 1940-6924)
“‘You-Consciousness’—Towards Political Theory: Etty Hillesum’s Experience and Symbolization of the Divine Presence,” in: M.G.S. Coetsier/K.A.D. Smelik/R. van den Brandt (Eds.), Spirituality in the Writings of Etty Hillesum: Proceedings of the Etty Hillesum Conference at Ghent University, November 2008. Supplements to the Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy. Vol. 11. Boston/Leiden: Brill, 2010, 103-125.
(ISBN: 978-90-041-8858-7) (E-ISBN: 978-90-041-8859-4) (ISSN: 1873-9008)
“Between Realities: Dawkins vs. Voegelin,” in: Modern Age: A Quarterly Review 51, no. 3 & 4, (Summer/Fall 2009) 220-230.
(ISSN 0026-7457)
“Strijd om God: Om het behoud van de menselijke waardigheid,” in: Tijdschrift voor theologie 49, no. 4 (2009) 373–390.
(ISSN 0168-9959)
“Etty Hillesum als hedendaagse spirituele figuur voor joden en christenen,” in: D. Pollefeyt/E. de Boeck (Eds.), Wil er iemand mijn Messias zijn? Nieuwe verlossers en hedendaagse spirituele meesters. Louvain: Acco, 2010, 145-179.
(ISBN 978-90-334-7635-8) (ISSN 0771-7709)
“Etty Hillesum and the Light of Faith: A Voegelinian Analysis,” in: Modern Age: A Quarterly Review 50, no. 3 (2008) 198–206.
(ISSN 0026-7457)
“God? . . . Licht in het duister. Twee denkers in barre tijden: De Duitse filosoof Eric Voegelin en de Nederlands-Joodse schrijfster Etty Hillesum,” in: K.A.D. Smelik/R. van den Brandt (Eds.), Etty Hillesum in context. Assen: Van Gorcum, 2007, 16–35.
(ISBN 978-90-232-4416-5)
Coetsier, Meins G.S. Theology, Empowerment, and Prison Ministry: Karl Rahner and the Contemporary Exploration for Meaning (Theology and Mission in World Christianity, Volume: 25). Boston/Leiden: Brill, 2022.
Coetsier, Meins G.S. "Towards a Theology of Prison Ministry." Ph.D. Theol., School of Religion, Theology and Ecumenics, Loyola Institute. Ghent: University Press (a non-commercial publication)/ Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, 2021, XII + 322 pp.
Coetsier, Meins G.S. The Existential Philosophy of Etty Hillesum: an Analysis of her Diaries and Letters (Supplements to the Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy). Boston: Brill, 2014, i-xxvii, 635pp.
Coetsier, Meins G.S., "Etty Hillesum and the Spiritual Search: An Analysis of the Diaries and Letters 1941-1943 in the light of Martin Buber, Emmanuel Levinas and Dietrich Bonhoeffer," Ghent University / University Press: a non-commercial publication of Ph.D. Dissertation, Dept. of Comparative Science of Cultures, Belgium, 2011, i-xxx, 610 pp.
Coetsier, Meins G.S., "Eric Voegelin’s Philosophy of Luminous Participation in the Transcendent Ground of Being," Ghent University: a non-commercial publication of Ph.D. Dissertation, Dept. of Philosophy and Moral Sciences, Belgium, 2008, 369pp.
Coetsier, Meins G.S., Etty Hillesum and the Flow of Presence: A Voegelinian Analysis, Eric Voegelin Institute Series in Political Philosophy. Studies in Religion and Politics. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 2008, 228pp.
Reviews of
Etty Hillesum and the Flow of Presence
Amazon 5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent book June 28, 2011 By E. B,S
A deeply moving account of Etty Hillesum's life and spiritual journey, beautifully written and researched. The book brings a new depth and understanding to Etty's life and spiritual transendence. Coetsier analyses Etty's life and writings from the standpoint of Voegelin's theories on consciousness and transcendence. One feels as if one is reading extracts from the journals for the first time. Beautiful tribute to Etty Hillesum.
Amazon 5.0 out of 5 stars A story of great conversion. October 8, 2013 by Robert E. Radell
For one who has an appreciation of mystic experience and tries to understand them this is a delightful and informative work about a truly beautiful woman. It does require some philosophical background to fully appreciate. Familiarity with E. Voegelin's work is also helpful, although one could skip the chapter on his philosophy and still love the book. Etty Hillesum Is a fascinating person who is too little known - a grown up Ann Frank.
Review by Prof. Dr. Hans Zollner in the quarterly published by the Gregorian University, Gregorianum n.90/4 (2009): 916-917.
Exegesis of a Mystic's Experience, A book review by Prof. Dr. Macon Boczek (Ph.D. in Systematic Theology from Duqesne University)
Review by Dr. Nicoletta Stradaioli in the Italian scientific periodical Il pensiero politico: rivista di storia delle idee politiche e sociali, Anno XLIII, n. 2, Firenze: Casa Editrice Leo S. Olschki, 2010.
M.G.S. Coetsier/ A. Leipold (Eds.), Gefangen. O-Töne: Ein Lesebuch. Zürich: Verlag für Gefängnisseelsorge, 2024, 82pp.
(ISBN 978-3-9525955-1-0)
M.G.S. Coetsier/M. Clement/J. Wiersma (Eds.), Geen moment verloren. Opstellen over de Hebreeuwse Bijbel, Etty Hillesum en het jodendom. Liber amicorum voor prof. dr. Klaas A.D. Smelik Antwerpen/’s-Hertogenbosch: Gompel & Svacina, 2019, 298 pp.
(ISBN 978 94 6371 145 6)
M.G.S. Coetsier/K.A.D. Smelik/G. Van Oord/ J. Benschop-Plokker/L. Bergen/M. Clement/J. Wiersma (Eds.), Etty Hillesum en de contouren van haar tijd. Etty Hillesum Studies, 10. Antwerpen/’s-Hertogenbosch: Gompel & Svacina, 2018, 268 pp.
(ISBN 9463710892) (ISBN 9789463710893)
M.G.S. Coetsier/K.A.D. Smelik/G. Van Oord/ J. Benschop/L. Bergen/M. Clement/J. Wiersma (Eds.), Etty Hillesum en het pad naar zelfverwerkelijking. Etty Hillesum Studies, 9. Antwerpen/Apeldoorn: Garant, 2017, 221 pp.
(ISBN 9044135678) (ISBN 9789044135671)
M.G.S. Coetsier/K.A.D. Smelik/J. Wiersma (Eds.), The Ethics and Religious Philosophy of Etty Hillesum. Supplements to the Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy. Boston/Leiden: Brill, 2017, 404 pp.
(ISBN 900434134X) (ISBN 9789004341340)
M.G.S. Coetsier/K.A.D. Smelik/G. Van Oord/M. Clement/J. van der Molen/J. Wiersma (Eds.), Etty Hillesum in weerwil van het Joodse vraagstuk. Etty Hillesum Studies, 8. Antwerpen/Apeldoorn: Garant, 2016, 152 pp.
(ISBN 9044134639) (ISBN 9789044134636)
M.G.S. Coetsier/K.A.D. Smelik/G. Van Oord/M. Clement/J. van der Molen/J. Wiersma (Eds.), Etty Hillesum weer thuis in Middelburg. Etty Hillesum Studies, 7. Antwerpen/Apeldoorn: Garant, 2015, 212 pp. (ISBN: 978-90-441-3349-3) (ISBN 9044133497)
M.G.S. Coetsier/K.A.D. Smelik/G. Van Oord/D. de Costa/J. van der Molen/J. Wiersma (Eds.), Etty Hillesum 1914-2014. Etty Hillesum Studies, 6. Antwerpen /Apeldoorn: Garant, 2014, 168 pp.
(ISBN 978-90-441-3235-9) (ISBN 9044132350)
M.G.S. Coetsier/K.A.D. Smelik (Eds.), Etty Hillesum: The Complete Works 1941-1943, Bilingual, Annotated and Unabridged, Vol. 1. Aachen: Shaker Verlag, 2014, XV + 582 pp.
(ISBN 978-90-423-0433-8) (ISBN 9042304332)
M.G.S. Coetsier/K.A.D. Smelik (Eds.), Etty Hillesum: The Complete Works 1941-1943, Bilingual, Annotated and Unabridged, Vol. 2. Aachen: Shaker Verlag, 2014, 583-1156.
(ISBN 978-90-423-0433-8) (ISBN 9042304332)
M.G.S. Coetsier/K.A.D. Smelik/G. Van Oord/D. de Costa/J. van der Molen/J. Wiersma (Eds.), Etty Hillesum in relatie. Etty Hillesum Studies, 5. Gent: Academia Press, 2013, 227 pp.
(ISBN 978-90-382-2205-9)
M.G.S. Coetsier/K.A.D. Smelik/R. van den Brandt (Eds.), Etty Hillesum in perspectief. Etty Hillesum Studies, 4. Gent: Academia Press, 2013, 167 pp.
(ISBN 978-90-382-2067-3) (ISBN 9038220677)
M.G.S. Coetsier/K.A.D. Smelik/R. van den Brandt (Eds.), Spirituality in the Writings of Etty Hillesum: Proceedings of the Etty Hillesum Conference at Ghent University, November 2008. Supplements to the Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy. Vol. 11. Boston/Leiden: Brill, 2010, XXVI + 490 pp. (ISBN: 978-90-041-8858-7)
(E-ISBN: 978-90-041-8859-4) (ISSN: 1873-9008)
Coetsier, Meins G.S., "The Drama of Diakonía – Towards a Pastoral Theology of diaconal Spirituality." The Festival of Theology - "Theology and the University." Loyola Institute, Trinity College Dublin, 19-21 May 2022.
Coetsier, Meins G.S., “Towards a Theology of Prison Ministry.” Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Catholicism in Ireland and Beyond. Irish Institute for Catholic Studies, MIC, Limerick, 22–23 July 2021.
Coetsier, Meins G.S., "Philosophy, Theology, and Rock 'n' Roll: A Cry for Pardon, Grace, and Strength in Imprisoned Existence." Postgraduate Conference of the Society for the Study of Theology: Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies, KU Leuven, Belgium – 28-30 August 2017.
Coetsier, Meins G.S., "Etty Hillesum’s Ethical Consciousness and the History of Jewish Philosophy." 2017 Book launch in Middelburg, the Netherlands of: "The Ethics and Religious Philosophy of Etty Hillesum Proceedings of the Etty Hillesum Conference at Ghent University, January 2014."
Coetsier, Meins G.S., "Internationale Forschung zu Etty Hillesum: Überblick und Evaluation." »Das denkende Herz der Baracke« – Interdisziplinäres Kolloquium zum 100. Geburtstag von Etty Hillesum (1914-1943), Universität Zürich, Institut für Hermeneutik und Religionsphilosophie, Zürich, Schweiz, 2014.
Coetsier, Meins G.S., “Etty Hillesum’s Ethical Consciousness and the History of Jewish Philosophy.” Second International Congress: Etty Hillesum: Her Letters and Diaries. Etty Hillesum Research Centre, Ghent University, Ghent, 2014.
Coetsier, Meins G.S., "Time, Memory, and Restless Hearts: Notes on Augustine in Voegelin and Hillesum," Monument and Memory: 4th Nordic Conference in Philosophy of Religion, 16-18 June 2013, Stockholm School of Theology, Sweden, 2013.
Coetsier, Meins G.S., "Bonhoeffer´s Ethics and its Relevance Today," Dietrich Bonhoeffer Day, London, Great Britain, 2013.
Coetsier, Meins G.S., "'Humanity’s Secret Code': Bonhoeffer and Hillesum and
the New Science of Political Theology," XI. International Bonhoeffer Congress, Sigtuna, Sweden, 2012.
Coetsier, Meins G.S., "The Life of Dialogue: Etty Hillesum and Martin Buber," Etty Hillesum Symposium, Ghent University & FWO. Ghent, 2012.
Coetsier, Meins G.S., “No God on the Horizon? Voegelin, Buber and Bonhoeffer & the Moment of Surrender.” Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA). Washington, DC, 2010: 1-35.
Coetsier, Meins G.S., “A Heaven-Gram for World Politics: Hillesum, Heschel and Rilke Rescuing God in Exile.” Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA). Toronto, 2009: 1–16.
Coetsier, Meins G.S., “The life and writings of Etty Hillesum.” Lecture, Ghent University, 2009.
Coetsier, Meins G.S., “‘You Consciousness.’ Towards political theory: Etty Hillesum’s experience and symbolization of the divine presence.” International Etty Hillesum Conference, Ghent University & FWO. Ghent, 2008.
Coetsier, Meins G.S., “Etty Hillesum and the Experience of Reason {Voegelin, Buber & Levinas}.” Visiting Speaker Series, Department of Philosophy, Seminar Room of the Moore Institute, Galway University. Galway, 2008.
Coetsier, Meins G.S., “Etty Hillesum als hedendaagse spirituele figuur voor joden en christenen.” Postacademische Vorming K.U. Leuven Vliebergh-Sencie Leergangen. Louvain, 2008.
Coetsier, Meins G.S., “‘God, the Creative Ground of Existence’ in Voegelin, Etty Hillesum and Martin Buber: A Response to Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion.” Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA). Boston, 2008: 1–20.
Coetsier, Meins G.S., “‘Heaven in Hell’: A Voegelinian Exploration of the Life and Writings of Etty Hillesum.” Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA). Chicago, 2007: 1–7.
EHOC Bulletin. Vol. 1, Eds. Meins G.S. Coetsier & Klaas A.D. Smelik, EHOC, (December 2006).
EHOC Bulletin. Vol. 2, Eds. Meins G.S. Coetsier & Klaas A.D. Smelik, Van Gorcum, (June 2007).
EHOC Bulletin. Vol. 3, Eds. Meins G.S. Coetsier & Klaas A.D. Smelik, Van Gorcum, (December 2007).
EHOC Bulletin. Vol. 4, Eds. Meins G.S. Coetsier & Klaas A.D. Smelik, Van Gorcum, (August 2008).
EHOC Bulletin. Vol. 5, Eds. Meins G.S. Coetsier & Klaas A.D. Smelik, Van Gorcum, (January 2009).